Both the head knight and head paladin report to the high elder and generals, no one else. The head paladin holds meetings with the high elder, elders, head scribe, generals and head knight. The head paladin is responsible for dealing with the paladins in the same way the head knight does, but the head paladin chooses which paladins should lead each knight squad and which areas may prove to be suitable HQ's. Maxson states that the Sole Survivor is the only member of the Brotherhood of Steel that currently holds this title and it has been some years since the last sentinel served under him. Based on dialogue with Elder Maxson at the end of Fallout 4, sentinels do not require orders and usually conduct operations at their own will. The Sole Survivor can also attain this rank if he or she completes the Brotherhood main questline. The only known member of the Brotherhood to have achieved this rank at the time of Fallout 3 is Sarah Lyons, who leads the Lyons' Pride elite unit. The last thing you have to do is exit the bunker from where you entered.Sentinel is a rank used by the East Coast division, ranking between paladin and elder. After that, the alarm should turn off and no one will engage you. Input all the password you have verified. In the terminal, click the “Generate Self Destruct Password” and then proceed to the terminal at the right. But it still depends on where you found him. Make sure that his apprentice is not watching before you steal the card.Īfter obtaining all the cards, go to the terminal which is just next to Head Scribe. Head Scribe – Using your sneaking ability, just approach him and pickpocket the key from his pocket.You can reach Head Paladin in a room via a passageway to the left of the room of Elder McNamaras. If you kill him in a short period of time, you can get away without being noticed. Simply approach and engage him and aim for his head to easily kill him. Head Paladin Edgar Hardin -Stealth is a bit difficult for this one as he can spot you no matter what you try.

You’re taking the “Elder Keycard” and if done correctly, the guards will not engage and you can just walk away without being noticed. You can approach from the back while you’re crouching (your companions won’t affect your stealth ability) and you can start picking up McNamara. At this point, you’re going to want to engage Stealth Boy, and you can wear some clothes that might give you an extra “sneak” ability. Assuming you already know its location as it requires some previous quest completion to gain access to the bunker to meet McNamara.